How to End a Long Term Relationship

A Guide on How to End a Long Term Relationship from A to Z

How ​​to end a long term relationship? It is always painful to part with a person with whom you once lived the best moments of your life, with whom you are connected by a lot of things. But if the relationship has already outlived itself, and you think even about hating your wife, you do not feel love, joy, and happiness, you should think about parting. Accept this fact, and in the future, your life will improve and you will be able to find a person with whom you will build a healthy harmonious relationship.

How to know when to end a long-term relationship? To check the completeness of your relationship, analyze how many times a day you mentally returned to the memories of breaking up with your partner. If more than five, if you often look at their page on social networks and look at their photos with sadness, this is an alarming sign. Think about what thought you often focus on and try to find the reason for it. If separation is painful for you, complete this process with the help of a psychologist.

How to Decide to End a Long Term Relationship?

How to decide on something like this? In many ways, it is similar to jumping into ice water. But everything needs to be thought out before the “jump” itself takes place. Once the movement has already begun, it cannot be stopped.

So, you have a problem in your relationship that makes it impossible to be together. It can be a lack of feelings, falling in love with another person, an addiction that makes it painful to exist together, or an unwillingness to develop relationships or move together in the same direction. It can be any disagreement on issues that are critical to you, betrayal by a partner, your desire to go to a monastery – whatever.

  • How to know when to end a long term relationship? The first thing to do is ask yourself – is it possible to solve the problem on which you want to end the relationship? Have you tried to do something about it? Does the partner know that there is such a problem? Think about it, maybe it can still be fixed.
  • The second thing to do is to ask yourself – are you ready to be with this person and this problem nearby (if any)? Do you understand that it will be not the first fight in your relationship? Don’t just stay in the hope that it will go away on its own. As it is now, it will always be and you need to be ready for this.
  • The third thing to do is to understand what could be better. You can meet someone who suits you more. Being with a loved one without the presence of a “problem”. Moreover, your partner can also find someone who suits them better.

Thus, breaking up a relationship turns one unhappy couple into potentially two happy couples. Breaking up is painful, especially if the relationship has been long-term. But everything has its time, and if you decide to leave, then it should be so.

How to end a long term relationship with someone you love?

How to End a Long Term Relationship Peacefully?

A breakup is a powerful emotional experience that many people have to go through. Often this happens unexpectedly and is perceived as a stab in the back. Sometimes this is a worthy result of selfishness, inability, and unwillingness to build relationships. How to break up correctly? There are no painless breakups. Someone in this story suffers more. But at least, using our advice, you will be able to part correctly and without quarrels; maybe you will even be able to remain friends in the long run. After all, you are not strangers to each other.

1. Respect your partner even if you don’t want to stay together

If you decided to part with the person with whom you are in a long relationship, do not forget that once you chose them. Show respect for your partner even at the moment when you are disappointed in this person or you feel sorry for the time spent with them. The conversation about parting should be in person, not by phone call or SMS. Do not show your negative emotions, do not blame, and do not insult your partner during the conversation. Thank them for the time you had together.

2. Ask your loved ones for advice

How to end a long term relationship with someone you love? Before deciding on such a serious step as a breakup, we would advise you to consult about this with relatives and friends. Perhaps you made this decision impulsively. No one is forcing you to change it, but just listening to what your loved ones have to say about it will not hurt you. Perhaps they will give you some good piece of advice.

3. Don’t try to end the relationship at once

If you quickly decide to take such a step and tell your partner about it as soon as this thought crosses your mind, they may think that you don’t care about it. Try to prepare your partner for this conversation. Say that you made this decision and thought it over for a long time so that your partner does not feel deceived. After all, living with you or being in a long-term relationship with you, they could make plans for the future life together.

4. Be calm and measured when talking about a breakup

How to end a long term relationship with someone you love? You must do it in a way that does not offend the person. During the conversation, try to behave calmly, and speak measuredly. You should not blame your partner or yourself for something, it is better to convey to him the idea that you do not see the further development of relations, and that this is a dead end. Do not be afraid to voice your plans for the future, especially if they do not correlate with your relationship. Perhaps you will hear in response a suggestion on how you can fix everything.

5. Don’t change your mind just because you feel sorry for your partner

Remember: whether to give a second chance (which may save your relationships) or stick to your decision is your choice. Just don’t give a second chance out of pity for your partner. No matter how much they cry and plead, tomorrow all the problems will come up again. This will lead nowhere, and soon, you will probably ask yourself again: how to end a long-term relationship?

how to end a long-term relationship

3 Dont’s to End a Relationship Correctly

  • Don’t hide behind the screen. If you decide to leave, find the strength and courage to talk with your partner in person. This important conversation can not be conveyed via SMS or messages in Telegram. Nevertheless, “I’m leaving” must be said personally, and not by changing the status on social networks to “actively searching.” So, it must be only a personal confession. The phone, instant messengers, video calls, and email are not suitable for ending a relationship.
  • Don’t get personal. At least out of a sense of banal gratitude for what you experienced with this person, show them respect and general humanity. It is clear that it is not always possible to maintain dignity and part beautifully. Sometimes the tantrum is uncontrollable. But try at least in the end not to dip your already ex-partner in excrement. Try to stay friends after the breakup. The statistics say that about 17% of Americans choose to remain friends with their exes.
  • How to end a long term relationship when you live together? Don’t make hasty decisions. If the two of you have common obligations (children, business, project, rent, and at least a cat or a dog), leave the section of all this until better times, when emotions subside. There is nothing worse than solving important property, moral and ethical issues when you are in complete disarray and do not know how to live on. From fear or rage, you can do a lot of things that will not be easy to clean up later.
How to end a long-term relationship when you live together

How to Choose the Moment to Talk About the Breakup?

How to end a long-term relationship when you live together? The rule is simple: the sooner the better. If you have already decided everything, why pull? It is pointless to wait until the ideal moment arrives, at which the breakup of relations will be painless for both.

There are many bad things in life for which there is never a right time – they are always inopportune. Relationship breakdown is the same thing.

In other words, don’t drag. By this, you put yourself in an awkward position, because mentally, inside yourself, you have already abandoned this person. On the other hand, you are still taking up space, preventing your partner from finding the person with whom they will be happy. It’s not fair.

Final Word

If you feel like you need to change your life, change it. Do not look back at the opinions of others, because this is your life, and no one else’s. If you decide to part with bangs, do as you decide. You will get through this challenging period. Gradually start thinking more about yourself. Now is the time to review your interests and plans. Look for joyful moments, and do what pleases you. This is how you help yourself to start living again. The most important – do not to lose faith in people, because there is much more good around.

We hope we have made it clear to you how to end a long term relationship. Good luck and courage in conscious decisions!

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  1. Absolutely! It’s always okay to end a relationship, especially if you feel disrespected and unvalued. Even if it was your idea to end a long-term relationship, the situation can still be emotionally taxing on both people. When you’re having trouble being alone or missing your ex, devise a plan for coping. That might mean finding a new hobby to occupy your thoughts or focusing on spending time with your friends. Whatever route you choose, it’s important to cope with the situation instead of avoiding it.

  2. Ending a long-term relationship is very tough and always painful. but, If there are concrete signs that a relationship is unhealthy it would be better to end the relationship than continue with it. In such cases, we should act very wisely. So this is advisable to give good guidance to the people in this situation to have the right mindset.

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