Is There Sex Tourism in Vietnam?
Prostitution in Vietnam exists but the government officially bans it. Therefore, no one catches tourists by the hand, does not pull them into special sex salons, as it usually happens in Thailand. In Vietnam, priestesses of love work in hairdressing or massage parlors, and after basic service, they offer themselves. The ladies usually take offense if you refuse them. It’s because this is their main income, and $ 20 or 30 in Vietnam is quite big money.
Nowadays, more and more people are talking about the necessity of the legalization of sex services in Vietnam. With the fast development of nightlife and an impressive number of tourists who visit the country, it could positively impact the local economy. Is Vietnam good for sex tourism?While the debate keeps going, guests of Vietnam do not waste time and enjoy the pleasant company of local sex workers.
How to Get Acquainted with a Sexy Girl?
Every year, the country attracts more and more fans of sex services. Here, you can easily find entertainment to your taste. Every nightclub is full of beauties who are ready to offer their services for a definite price, so you do not even have to take initiative. Your dance can be easily interrupted by the lady who hints at changing the location to a more intimate one. As for the streets, here you can come across bikers who will suggest a pretty lady for sex. Do not be afraid of them, and in case you are do not like the proposal, just refuse it politely.
Sin City
Ho Chi Minh City is considered to be the unofficial capital of sex services in Vietnam. The most popular local place for enjoying sex tourism is the club Apocalypse Now. This club has been working for many years and already has a reputation of a very noisy place. Here you will not experience any difficulties with finding a suitable person for a one-night stand. Not far from Apocalypse Now, you can find many broadways. The security is always shouting and inviting the guests to come in and meet a sexy lady for spending a great time together.
How to Behave?
You cannot take a girl to a hotel, almost all hotels prohibit this kind of entertainment in the rooms. Yes, this is quite dangerous and can end with the same theft of not only money but also documents. This is not an obstacle, and you can have fun with a Vietnamese woman in a cafe, at a restaurant, and even in a karaoke bar. For example, you may be offered to watch an erotic film in a massage parlor, and then choose a girl from those who are present. After having fun with a prostitute, you need to pay to the owner of the establishment. There are many such salons, a similar scheme with hairdressing salons.
After the haircut, you may be offered a different message of your lower part of the body. Girls in such places have similar clothes. As a result, the client can more easily understand the merits and demerits of each, and not look out for elements in colorful clothes. For example, in Nha Trang, there are massage parlors, where women can’t come in, and men when entering pronounce the coveted phrase “VIP massage”, this is a pass for the entire range of services.
Sex Tourism in Vietnam: Problems
The major problem that you may face in Vietnam while enjoying sex tourism is an incredibly high level of diseases. Remember that unprotected sexual intercourse doesn’t only bring pleasure, but STDs as well. Additionally, in Vietnam, one should be more afraid of the criminals who offer girls, and the prostitutes themselves. They, at a convenient opportunity, will not hesitate to steal something valuable from you. Therefore, it is better to use sex services at proven places even at higher prices, rather than risk your safety, trying to save some money with a girl from the street.
Summing – up
All in all, sex tourism in Vietnam exists and step by step this country becomes a popular destination for getting a pleasant experience in the exotic sex tourism geography. Almost the entire population of the country works hard in the fields, so there is no wonder that many attractive girls strive to become prostitutes. It is relatively simple and quite highly paid work by local standards. Prostitution is naturally illegal, but the authorities turn a blind eye to the rapidly developing sex industry. The most popular cities for sex tourism in Vietnam are Ho Chi Minh City, the capital Hanoi, Nha Trang, and Phan Thiet. Plan your trip in advance, discover the safest places and enjoy unforgettable sex experiences for sure.

Ben Lockwood is an esteemed editor at SafeDateOnline, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the team. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for promoting safe and enjoyable online dating experiences, Ben plays a crucial role in ensuring that the platform delivers high-quality content and valuable insights to its users. His dedication to providing accurate information and helpful guidance contributes significantly to the success of SafeDateOnline in fostering a secure and supportive online community. Through his diligent work, Ben helps empower individuals to navigate the world of online dating with confidence and peace of mind.